Tuesday, February 26, 2013

For More Information

If you liked reading about the Rwandan Genocide, you can look at the following websites where we got all of our information from:

US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide | World news | The Guardian."
Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian
 | The Guardian *. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.

Category. "Tutsis and Hutus - Why There Is Conflict Between Tutsis and Hutus." *World News - About World News from Bridget Johnson*. N.p., n.d.

If you had wondered where on the map Rwanda is, it is the  small red area on this map of Africa.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Results of the Genocide

From the initial start of what was considered the real genocide to the end in July 1994, 100 days passed. Approximately 1,000,000 Tutsis were killed by the organized Hutu (Akazu) group. Many more had been scarred and injured. It will still take much time for Rwanda as a country to heal, but the cardinal impact is over and the people of Rwanda are starting their recovery process.

The Genocide comes to an end.

On May 23,1994 the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) took control of the presidential palace, a step forward in their attempts to gain control over their torn country. Two months later the French succeeded in establishing a safe zone in the southwest corner of Rwanda. A week after, approximately one million people, mostly Hutu, began fleeing to Zaire (now know as the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Finally, in mid July, the Rwandan Genocide has come to an end, following the RPF's assuming control of the country!
Above is a picture of a boy at the end of the genocide, the bodies of the slain scattered around him. He is just one of many left without a family after this tragedy.

More Tutsis are massacred!

Just days after the raid of massacres at the Catholic churches, another occurs. During this Kibaye Massacre, an estimated 12,000 Tutsis were killed after trying to shelter at the Gatwaro stadium in Gitesi. Another 50,000 were killed in the hills of Bisesero and even more in the town's hospital and church. On April 28th and 29th, about  250,000 people (mostly Tutsi) fled to neighboring Tanzania.

Masacres are beginning!

Two days after the shooting of the Rwanda President the massacre of Ginkodo initiated. Hundreds of Tutsis were killed in the Pallottine Missionary Catholic Church. Due to the evidence that the attackers, were clearly targeting the Tutsi, the Ginkodo Massacre was the first prominent sign that a genocide was occurring. Less than a week after, another massacre took place at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church. Thousands of Tutsi were killed, first by grenades and guns then by machetes and clubs.

The picture above shows the bodies of Tutsis who where hacked to death while fleeing towards safety, seen here wasting away in the street.

Disaster strikes Rwanda!

On the tragic day of April 6, 1994 the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana was killed when his plane was shot out of the sky. This event sparked organized killings and widespread sexual violence although the blame for the shooting was never established. Hutu extremists began killing their political opponents the following day.

The above pictures are of President Juvenal Habyarimana, the third president of the Republic of Rwanda. He ruled in office for 21 years. He was a part of the Hutus.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New information on Rwanda's condition!

In 1991 a new constitution is created that allowed there to be multiple political parties in Rwanda. Two years later, Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, or RTLM (Rwandan radio station), began broadcasting the growing and spreading of the hate that has started to occur in Rwanda.  Later in this year, the Arusha Accords were agreed upon opening up government positions to both the Hutu and Tutsi, meaning that the two groups would be working side by side as equals.

Rwanda's economy fluxuates!

This picture depicts some Rwandans armed with weapons that China shipped to them.
In 1973 Juvènal Habyarimana took control as the new president of Rwanda in a bloodless coup. A few years later the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) was created in Uganda, designed to be a noncommittal party. When the RPF invaded Rwanda, in hope of aiding the country, a civil war broke out across the country.

A rebellion begins!

The rebellion of the Hutu began against the Tutsi and Belgians in 1959. Two years later the Tutsi monarch was abolished. A year later on July 1, 1962 Rwanda gained its independence.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Belgians make new rules in Rwanda!

In 1918, The League of Nations nominated Belgium to reign over Rwanda. Shortly after Belgium assumed control of Rwanda, however, they started to organize a census and mandate that every person be issued an identity card, classifying them as either Tutsi, Hutu, or Twa and separated these groups. Later, in December of 1948, the United Nations passed a resolution which defined the actions Belgium had taken as a genocide and declared it a crime under international law.