Friday, February 22, 2013

Results of the Genocide

From the initial start of what was considered the real genocide to the end in July 1994, 100 days passed. Approximately 1,000,000 Tutsis were killed by the organized Hutu (Akazu) group. Many more had been scarred and injured. It will still take much time for Rwanda as a country to heal, but the cardinal impact is over and the people of Rwanda are starting their recovery process.


  1. This genocide is a truly horrific event in history. It's just sad to see that it went to such drastic measures and resulted the way it did.

    1. Indeed. However, the genocide may have not ended in such a horrific manner if ALL countries had given their support when needed to end it.

    2. That is absurd! We knew about it, yes, and took all the necessary action requested on our behalf to help in ending the genocide.

    3. Actually, your nation was well aware of how little you did to prevent and stop the genocide. However, you refused to provide the requested material aid to Rwanda. Also, it was disputed for two whole months over calling the situation a ”genocide". That's two whole months you could have been doing something productive and actually taking true action.

    4. Well, we did what was best for the United States. Besides, President Clinton and Albright later apologized and expressed their regret for inaction during the Rwandan Genocide.

    5. As much as we love being a tightly knitted ally of yours (United States), we have to agree with France about this. We think that all of the major powers in the United Nations should have helped as much as they could. I know that if we could have done more to help, we would have, and that statement should go for all of us in the UN.
